Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Malias - Page 1

So here is the completed first page of the Malias Papyrus.

Sing, O Heaven, the heart of fiery-haired Teliassa, who brought about the downfall of the tyrant Kameus. What frightful, divine force could wreak such damage as befell the unfortunate Cretans? Indeed, only the most powerful of any that are known - love.

The goddess of seduction stirs the soul like wind upon the water, and changes the shape of our world forever. Thus it was for Malia on the night when King Kameus assumed the crown, carousing with men of renown and nobles from the surrounding lands.

Gray-haired Dionides was there, who had offered the hecatomb to all the gods, praying for their blessing and for a long and peaceful reign, alas but in vain; and bronze-skinned Alexius, who leaped over bulls with the aerial grace of a soaring kite; and great captains of ships which swiftly sailed the mercurial sea, laden with riches, and others whose names are now forgotten, feasting on the roasted meat by the light of the braziers.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Front page news - from 1650 BC

In case you were wondering whether I'd given up my ancient language fanfic, the answer is no. I've been plugging away at it from time to time, and I think I've finally (!) got an opening I'm happy with.

The piece is tentatively called Malias i.e. the Song of Malia, even though the place wouldn't have been called that in the Bronze Age. (No one knows that the Minoans called it.)

Here are the opening verses:

It reads:

Sing, O Heaven, the heart of fiery-haired Teliassa, who brought about the downfall of the tyrant Kameus.

What frightful, divine force could wreak such damage as befell the unfortunate Cretans? Indeed, only the most powerful of any that are known - love.

The goddess of seduction stirs the soul like wind upon the water, and changes the shape of our world forever. Thus it was for Malia on the night when King Kameus assumed the crown, carousing with men of renown and nobles from the surrounding lands....

(What should follow is a roll call of people present at the coronation feast, because every epic needs a roll call. And after that comes the incident that dooms the city.)

Friday, April 26, 2019

The unquiet mind

I've been crap at meditating recently. Unable to concentrate, unable to quiet the mind.

I did experience some minor success when I tried meditating with an arm raised. At the point the arm becomes tired, the mind has to fight against it. But with some persistence, the mind can become indifferent to the strain. Still, not much to show for it.

I feel blocked and chaotic, but I continue to meditate daily because when all else fails, keep practicing.

I'm also trying to finish up the first degree of my CR+C studies which lagged behind over the winter. There's quite a lot of material, but few practical experiments, and those have been mostly fruitless for me. On the other hand, I do appreciate the structure, which is something I don't naturally create for myself.

I'd have to say I'm about 3/10 in terms of my practice at the moment, and not from lack of trying. Overcoming obstacles is not something I'm good at. If I can't just go around them, I get stuck. If I can't be superlative, I just spin my wheels. So I'm trying to think of showing some discipline as success in its own right.